Meet Jeana Marie

Hi I’m Jeana Marie. I was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. From a very early age,  I knew that I was drawn to the metaphysical. Growing up, my grandmother was into astrology. She would read people's charts and tell them all about themselves. She even used my natal chart as a teaching tool for everyone else. She also taught my mother astrology.

As I got older, I became interested in tarot. I was at a psychic fair and met a tarot card reader by the name of Janat Marie. Meeting her changed my life. I don’t know if she ever really realized the significance she had in my life. And I never really understood how she impacted me until she was gone.  After meeting her, a relationship or more so a friendship developed. I would contact her for a reading when things didn’t seem to be going right in my life. She would read my cards and give me insight as to what was going on. She kind of gave me a fresh perspective on what I was going through. She never preached and never told me what to do. With the assistance of the tarot cards, she gave me advice. Ultimately, the decision on what to do was up to me.  I valued her guidance and her insight into the cards.

No matter when I contacted her, she always seemed to make time for me. As I’m assuming she did for all of her clients. She would always answer the phone and ask me what was going on. I would tell her and she would say, ‘OK, let’s see what the cards have to say.’ She would give me a reading and it would ease my mind. Sometimes it helps put things into perspective. Other times, it gave me a fresh set of eyes on a situation that I only saw one way. Janat Marie passed away several years ago and I was devastated. I felt that not only did I lose a very good friend but I also lost my guidance. I had lost my way. She was the inspiration for me to pick up the tarot. I wanted to give people what she gave me - peace of mind. But more importantly, she gave me her friendship. That is why I wanted to start my tarot journey. I wanted to offer people the help and the peace of mind that she offered me throughout the years. 

I have devoted my life to helping others. It’s what I love to do. It’s what I feel I was called to do. Tarot is just another step in my journey. Not only do I read tarot, but I’m a Reiki healer as well.

Thank you for taking the time to get to know me. I look forward to getting to know you. So if you’re ready, I would love to help you on this journey we call life.